Tuesday, October 14

movin on (another kinda old one)

I came by today, but you were out
I just wanted to get some things
I'm not sure where, but oh well
you're not there, guess it'll have to wait
until another day when I come by
just to see if you've found anything
any thing I might've left behind.
I'm not quite sure what, but you'll know
I'm sure as soon as you see it -
It should be pretty big, because
I'm missing something pretty big
I'm just not sure of what it is
I had to have left it with you
You had everything there in that place
I didn't pack it with my clothes
or even with my books or utensils
I just don't know where to look but there
at your place, it's just got be there
In there somewhere among your things
What would you do if you found it
dusty mixed with your dirty clothes
Would you wash it, clean and dry
Just right, and crispy fresh, or not
Not my heart please don't touch it
Leave it alone til I get there, please.

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